SOLSC 16/31

“I’m bored! I want to go somewhere! To do something, anything!” I cry out as I flop down onto the couch in despair.

“Fold your laundry, then we’ll talk.” My mother calls back from the kitchen. I grunt and kick the pile on landry at the other end of the couch. After a pause, I roll off and begin my journey to entertainment. Over the running water in the kitchen I hear silverware and plates being slowly clashed together, sounding like tectonic plates. But with more metal and less lava.

“So what you’re saying, is that if I fold all of my laundry, and take my laundry upstairs to my room, we can go some were?” I ask, making sure I know the terms of our verbal contract.

“Sure, why not? But you have to get Quin to do hers too!” she said over the dishes. I roll my eyes. My little sister Quincy and I both have the day off for one reason or another, but she never dose what our mom tells her to. I take it smugly really, I can get her to do anything my parents say, but they never reinforce my methods. They always baby her, act like she’s some precious little princess. If I was as rude to them as she is, I’d be way grounded. She knows it too. Just because she’s the youngest of three she can get away with anything. I bid adieu of going anywhere, or doing anything, on my free Monday.

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