Failing a Test…

I stared at the whiteboard in utter and complete bordum as the teacher droned on about multiplying exponents properly, something I found easy, apparently others did not. Behind me my best friend talked quietly with one of our best friends, as usual. Suddenly he turned around and faced her and I and shouted to us, “you two girls, stop talking and pay attention! You both failed the test so you need to know this!” She turned around as I wondered if he really was making eye contact with me or not.

Upon neither of us responding to him, he answered my question by shouting our names and asking us if we were listening. My best friend scoffed just the way I had expected. He knew we had called his bluff and laughed, breaking the intense silence that held over the slightly worried classroom. “You guys know I’m messing with you don’t you? Nah you both got A’s.” He chuckeled in defeat as my best friend showed off her greater sarcasm levels.

“Yeah it’s kinda obvious since in the beginning of the year I got answers right and you said they were wrong so.” She crossed her arms and leaned back in her chair to prove how unimpressed she was.

I considered just a week before, when I did have to pay attention to know what the hell was going on, “I drew a butterfly once, and you said it was right.” I said putting emphasis on ‘butterfly’ and ‘right’ to prove just how ridiculous it was. The class agreed with me and had a communal laughter. Once again the dream-team had made Algebra just that much more fun. 

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