SOLSC 12/31

People are like nail polish.

Always pretty and shiny

If you choose right you have a good group of them,

But, then there’s when they go away.

Slowly, they start to chip, and leave pieces of themselves everywhere.

At first you don’t notice,

but then you start to make them leave.

Slowly chip, chip, chipping at them with your other fingers.

Some times you don’t even notice.

But then, when you finally realize its much to late

and you have to chip them away completely,

you just replace it with new, better nail polish,

Never noticing the difference…

People are NOT like nail polish.

4 thoughts on “SOLSC 12/31”

  1. Sophie, this is beautiful! Just the contrast between the opening and closing lines is enough, but then your description between – even better. Remind me to share with you a poem video!!

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