SOLSC 1/31

I’m exited. We have just been announced to that we get to do a skit in our Youth group today. Joe (our leader) insisted it has to be a modern twist on the Samaritan story of the guy who helped someone who had gotten robbed and was dying on the side of the road. Basically, he helped the guy and paid a ton of money for him to get all the help he needs.  I know this story inside and out, backwards and frontwards, even upside down! But as everyone seeks a glance at me to see if I’ve exploded with joy and crazy ideas, I’ve quit paying attention. Off in my own world were I have really good props for the skit and everything anyone would need for a Broadway production. But this is church, so we have a floor, and some puppets in the other room. Who ever gets that room to think up the little skit always gets the puppets, but whoever gets our main room always gets the board, and usually Joe helps them too. He splits us up in two groups, Me, my little sister Quincy, and Collin as group one in the puppet room (score!!). And Naomi, Aiden, and Marisa in the other. Poor Aiden, his entire group consists of the two least cooperative people in the world. But its not a competition. I mean, we’re gonna win, but its not a competition. 

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